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My portraits are all imaginary, no specific particular person,  Using  young women as a subject, but not having one sitting and posing for me.

Not restricted, I have used color very strongly which have given excitement and richness to the works , Mostly there are no  backgrounds to divert interest from the central figure. As seen as a group I felt that nothing else was needed.  Seeing them together gave me a feeling of satisfaction.

Almost all the works of the young women are full of life, happiness, looking forward to a world which is opening before them and they in themselves have something to contribute, to add  to the world .  My wife, Dorit  and my daughter, Yael, both of whom I love deeply were very  positive influences in the creation of these works,which I feel shows up in my feelings toward their beauty and femininity. and also their intelligence and character.

These works were exhibited at the Opera House and the Arbel Gallery, both in Tel Aviv.

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